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In the same way you can embed custom scripts you can also embed menu scripts.
Version 3 will create these menus automatically and make them easier to embed.
All menus reference the main site root directory.
In the setup page select the 'part of bigger site' button and open the setting button that appears.
here you can set the main site's root directory and the menu template name.
All menu codes are saved in the menus folder in the main site root.
The www website address is used to link to all sub sites together. You don not have to build the site in the same directories but you do have specify the domain name and sub-folder as the website address in Pure SEO CMS setup e.g. . You can just use .. or ../.. to a return to the main site root but you will have to remove the http:// from the menu template file.
The menu designs can be customised just like any page template. See the example menu template provided, these are separate files called menutemplate.htm and saved in the program's instal directory.The standard format is based on the bottom menu design but any menu template can be used provided the same tags are used to identify where the page and file names go.
The TAG that places the menu is found using the 'add extras' button. This TAG can also be placed in the template rather than the page code.
The sitemap looks in the menus folder of the root directory and includes every menu that are there. You need the (!--@SubsiteMenus--) tag to place these menus but any menu list that is included there will be added to the sitemap.
Menus from completely unrelated sites can be included provided they have the correct domain address.
If you add extra pages then you must rebuild the menus and rebuild each sitemap to embed the new menus in the sitemap pages.
If you use dynamic pages then the appropriate code include command would do this automatically.