SEO CMS Image support

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SEO CMS Image support

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Handling images

go to top arrow rotating images

I am using SEO CMS for both website and Wordpress Blog template (Small-business-seo).

The blog advertises some features but I cannot figure out how to implement them. For example, the rotating 125x125 ad images - I upload an image and rename it to the ad-placeholder-125x125.jpg but the same image fills all 4 of the frames. Can you please point me toward the place where I load different images? (I am a paid user of SEO CMS and like it a LOT! I am just out of touch with modern web programming.)


Yes it was very easy. We just used an animated gif. I used Corel Draw but I think gimp will probably do this or other free animators. There are a number of free ad management systems although this gets far more complicated to measure the click throughs so we've bought systems in the past. JavaScript routines are one of the most flexible ways to do special tricks. My favourite tools site for these is dynamic drive which has lots of free examples. Well worth a look although there are lots more.

go to top arrow add flash and videos

is there a way to add flash and videos. if yes, i need a video tutorials. thanks.


Yes there are examples here This is not an issue of our software but really just using the correct html code. Your copy of flash should tell you that although we have included an example in our demo scripts folder. We recommend videos are delivered by flash as well.

The code can be embedded in the page or saved as a custom script file and loaded via the add extra button.

The video is here

go to top arrow No pictures showing

I load them when building and then i press build website, my pictures show up in the browser, thought the site is not live. Then when i upload everything to the FTP no pictures show.

When i am in build mode and the little picture module is on the right hand side of the page and i select a picture is this the correct way to make a pic appear on that page??


Not sure why that is.

The only thing we've seen is that with some host and in some browsers images with capital letters do not show e.g. picture.JPG not picture.jpg

You need to talk to your host about this though. If they show locally then our program must be working OK

go to top arrow pixilated pics


I resized large JPEG pictures. Now they're distorted. How do I clear them up?


The resize system we use in the program is not perfect I'm afraid.

You should get hold of a good bitmap editing program and resize all of your images first.

The more you spend the better they are although is very good and free.

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